To effectively heal, we have to recognize the connection between the emotions someone...
Replace at least one shelf with natural things - let’s make it the top shelf!
The great thing about cleanses is you can start simple by removing non-healing foods...
Historians believe the first Thanksgiving included many fruits and vegetables includ...
We can build our immunity and create good practices of health that will limit the impact
Whether a serious phobia or just negative associations, we want to take the dread out...
Look at this list, it’s quite a list.These “Science-backed diets” that are stated to work
I wrote a post about Osteoporosis and how best to address this condition.
Melatonin has been in the news on and off with not always the best publicity
By the time you are actually thirsty, you are already deep into a dehydrated state.
Our nervous system is so delicate
Salt: What's the Latest, it is Good or Bad for you?
Let's talk about ankle sprains and a new tool recently released that I highly recommend
Learning how to safely detox and cleanse the body of toxins and chemicals will ground...