To effectively heal, we have to recognize the connection between the emotions someone...
Replace at least one shelf with natural things - let’s make it the top shelf!
The great thing about cleanses is you can start simple by removing non-healing foods...
Historians believe the first Thanksgiving included many fruits and vegetables includ...
We can build our immunity and create good practices of health that will limit the impact
Whether a serious phobia or just negative associations, we want to take the dread out...
Celery juice is packed with micronutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, manganes...
What this next normal has to say about eating in a pandemic, and it’s not all bad news
Rid your home of harmful toxins by steering clear of toxic chemicals
It makes perfect sense to recognize what prayer can do for the body
A restorative physician is someone who understands you are a person, a whole person
Meditation in troubled times isn’t just helpful, it’s vital
Drop pre-determined belief systems and surrender of your own “truth” just for a moment
Food as medicine is also the best defense in a pandemic to boost our immunity